Camera tracker FAQs.

General frequently asked questions

What is matchmoving/3D tracking/camera tracking?

How does Camera tracker differ from a planar tracker (such as Mocha)?

How does Camera tracker differ from a 2D tracker?

Where can I find out more about camera tracking and matchmoving?

How do I export my Camera tracker-created camera and null data to my 3D package?

Why does my exported data look different when reading it into my 3D package?

How do I copy and paste position and rotation data from a Camera tracker- created null/solid to my own object?

How do I create a text or shape layer at one of the Camera tracker feature marks?

Why does Camera tracker intermittently stop tracking (often when I move After Effects to the background)?

Why do my Camera tracker-created objects ‘float’ over the background clip?

How do I improve the quality of my track and solve?

My shot camera rotates but doesn't move - how can I solve it using Camera tracker?

My shot camera changes focal length (i.e. zooms) during my shot - how can I solve it using Camera tracker?

How can I find out information about the camera with which my scene was shot?


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