Foundry announces the release of Nuke 16.0
Next–generation compositing with variable-enabled multishot workflows

Foundry, the leading developer of creative software for the Media and Entertainment industry, today announces the release of Nuke 16.0, with features set to transform compositing and review workflows by speeding up review and cutting time spent on repetitive tasks, reducing pipeline inefficiencies.
Next-level compositing workflows
To help artists spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time on creativity, Nuke 16.0 introduces native variable-enabled workflows, making multishot compositing a seamless, intuitive part of compositing in Nuke. In a major update to compositing workflows, these updates give artists the option to apply changes to multiple shots at once within the same script. At its core, Graph Scope Variables unlock a powerful new way of compositing, enabling artists and studios to efficiently manage multiple shots, sequences, and variations without duplications.
Juan Salazar, Director of Product, Compositing and Finishing at Foundry, says: “Nuke was first developed around a single-shot compositing workflow. Now, over 25 years later, deadlines continue to get tighter while shot volume and complexity climbs. Our goal is to relieve some of the pressure compositors face, and enable them to spend more time on their artistry and less time manually applying changes to shots. Nuke 16.0’s new multishot workflow features will enable new ways of working for studios of all sizes; we can’t wait to see them in use.”
Collaboration and creative control, at speed
Improvements in Nuke 16.0 will save time when working across the Node Graph, BlinkScript, and the timeline, for better team collaboration and efficiency.
Refinements to the roto node bring performance improvements when working with roto at scale, with enhanced playback, motion blur, and interactivity responsiveness. Working in the Node Graph is now faster and smoother too, giving artists the ability to view and edit the contents of Groups without opening a new tab, while new Link Nodes enable simultaneous changes to nodes.
With major improvements to the feedback loop, VFX Supervisors and VFX editors working from the Nuke Studio or Hiero timeline can approve and deliver shots faster than ever before. New Multichannel Soft Effects help supervisors audition shots and clearly communicate creative intent. The Contact Sheet allows for quick and easy shot comparison, and Quick Export makes exporting from the timeline up to 12 times faster.
Nuke 16.0 is also making BlinkScript easier to use, and a more powerful and intuitive tool for artists and studios to adopt. With these updates artists can read, write, and troubleshoot their code with ease, for distinct custom effect creation that’s more accessible than ever.
Christy Anzelmo, Chief Product Officer at Foundry, says: “The new features in Nuke are set to have a huge impact on day-to-day compositing and review workflows. Our priority is to empower artists and their teams to deliver work they’re proud of, saving time and energy on repetitive tasks, allowing them to free up time and focus on creativity.”
What’s new in Nuke 16.0 — in detail
Multishot workflows
- Graph Scope Variables: Create a ‘context’ that applies to multiple shots or part of the script. Apply single scripts to multiple shots or entire sequences based on variables.
- Variables Panel: Full visibility when working across multiple shots, for artists to easily interact with the available Variables in a script.
- VariableSwitch node: Similar to the Switch node but enables you to create “split and join” workflows based on the variables set for your multishot workflow.
- VariableGroup node: Convenient Node Graph grouping for working with variables.
- GSV in LiveGroups: Work in one group across multiple scripts, with other artists working in different sections or shots of the same script.
- GSV command-line render: Specify variables in the command line, and send different shots to your render farms.
Artist tools
- Group Node internal view: See and edit the contents of Groups and LiveGroups within the same Node Graph.
- Link nodes: Create linked copies of nodes and have changes updated in both nodes, whilst optionally being able to override any of the knobs.
- Roto performance improvements: Improved performance when working with roto at scale, including playback, motion blur performance, and improved interactivity.
3D System (Beta)
- Core node improvements: UI updates based on artist feedback and new snap controls for faster geo and pivot manipulation.
- GeoConstrain node: New constraint types, the ability to constrain to faces and vertices, or offset constraints in time and space.
- GeoXformPrim node: Create and edit Xforms in your USD stage to help streamline scene management.
- ScanlineRender2: A new ray tracing based architecture with improvements to sampling, motion blur, AOV outputs and more.
- USD version 24.05: To keep your pipeline integrations running smoothly.
- New and improved BlinkScript Editor: Formatting changes, error handling updates, keyboard shortcuts, and more that make it easier to create innovative custom effects.
- BlinkScript Library Files: Artists can now write their own functions for common operations and read these files into multiple BlinkScripts.
- BlinkScript Safety Rails: Catch and report operations that could cause problems when run directly on the underlying processor.
Timeline tools
- Quick Export: Exporting from the timeline is now up to 12 times faster.
- Multichannel Soft Effects: More control from the timeline with new mask-enabled Soft Effects that make it easier to audition shots and convey creative intent with artists.
- Contact Sheet: Provides a flexible viewing environment for easier shot review, populated via the choice of two modes — Pick Mode or Tag Mode.