Modo VR: fully immersive design content creation

Modo VR moves the familiar Modo Viewport from the monitor into your favorite VR headset, setting your creations into real life scale and perspective, and allowing you to view them in a way not previously possible.

Built on the Modo Advanced Viewport technology, ModoVR allows first person manipulation of layout, annotations, playback, and review directly in Modo in VR. As more users embrace VR, VR review will become a key step to all 3D content creation.

Being able to review content in VR directly via Modo greatly reduces time needed to switch applications, and greatly improves the overall immersion and connection an artist has with an object’s scale and perspective. Modo VR is perfect for 3D content creators preparing data VR and AR experiences, and also provides accurate scale and context for designers developing items for real-world construction.

Modo VR is one of many research projects to come out of Foundry Research and, as such, is not targeted to a specific release of Modo at this time. In the future, after gathering additional end user feedback, it may be released as part of a later Modo release or as a separate product.

Try Modo VR for yourself

Interested in trying out an early-stage version of Modo VR? Download a Modo 30-day trial! (You'll also need an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive VR headset).

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