What is Nuke Assist?
Available as two additional licenses for every Nuke Studio or NukeX license with valid maintenance, Nuke Assist gives artists access to a select set of Nuke nodes to perform the essential everyday tasks of paint, roto, 2D tracking and planar tracking. It comes completely free for Nuke Studio and NukeX customers who have valid maintenance.
How many Nuke Assist licenses do I get for every Nuke Studio or NukeX license I have?
Two Nuke Assist licenses will be available with every Nuke Studio or NukeX license on valid maintenance.
What is the benefit of having the Nuke Assist tool?
The Nuke Assist licenses will allow you to share your paint, roto and 2D tracking work with a wider group of artists, without the additional cost of a full Nuke license.
How will Nuke Assist be licensed?
Nuke Assist will be licensed as two separate Nuke licenses, and both will be linked to the maintenance term of your existing Nuke Studio or NukeX license. When your maintenance expires, so will the Nuke Assist licenses.
Is Nuke Assist available with all types of licenses?
No, Nuke Assist is only available on permanent licenses—not on rental. education, or Individual subscription licenses.
Is Nuke Assist available as both floating and node-locked licenses?
I am a Nuke customer—can I buy Nuke Assist licenses?
Nuke Assist is only available for Nuke Studio and NukeX customers with valid maintenance. If you are a Nuke customer and want to get your hands on the Nuke Assist tool, contact us or your local reseller to upgrade your Nuke license to NukeX or Nuke Studio today.
I am a Nuke Studio or NukeX customer with valid maintenance—how do I get my Nuke Assist licenses?
If you have current maintenance and don't have your Nuke Assist licenses, please contact us and our Sales Admin team will help you.
I have a three machine redundant license server, how do I get my Nuke Assist licenses?
Customers with this set up should contact licenses@foundry.com to access their Nuke Assist licenses.
Is it possible to buy more Nuke Assist licenses?
If you are a Nuke Studio or NukeX customer on valid maintenance and want to increase the number of Nuke Assist licenses you have, please contact us or your local reseller to discuss purchase options.