Nuke Assist license

What is Nuke Assist?

How many Nuke Assist licenses do I get for every Nuke Studio or NukeX license I have?

What is the benefit of having the Nuke Assist tool?

How will Nuke Assist be licensed?

Is Nuke Assist available with all types of licenses?

Is Nuke Assist available as both floating and node-locked licenses?

I am a Nuke customer—can I buy Nuke Assist licenses?

I am a Nuke Studio or NukeX customer with valid maintenance—how do I get my Nuke Assist licenses?

I have a three machine redundant license server, how do I get my Nuke Assist licenses?

Is it possible to buy more Nuke Assist licenses?

Purchasing and licensing

What is maintenance?

If I'm on rental, will my Nuke be updated when a new version comes out?

What is the difference between a node-locked and a floating license?

How many machines can I install my software on?

How do Nuke Render licenses work?

What is your return policy?

Can I upgrade my Nuke to NukeX or Nuke Studio?

Learning and support

Where do I go for support?

What’s the best way to learn how to get started with Nuke?

Are manuals included with the software?

Education and Non-commercial

Is there an Education version of Nuke available?

Is there a free version of Nuke for non-commercial use?


What is a Collective?

Can I upgrade Nuke to the Production Collective?

What will happen to my Production Collective when new versions of Nuke become available?


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