Film & TV.

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Film & TV

Aspiring to be a texture artist at a big studio? Hear Paul’s story

Find out how texture artist Paul Paulinho fell in love with texturing through Mari and bagged a dream job at Method Studios. Watch the video here.

Film & TV

Animal Logic Academy: discovering the VFX stars of the future

We speak to some of the students and tutors involved in bringing short film The Color Thief to life, using Katana, as part of the first student project of 2018 at the Animal Logic Academy. Read more here!

Coco - courtesy of Pixar
Film & TV

One billion assets: How Pixar’s Lightspeed team tackled Coco’s complexity

We speak to Renee Tam, Lightspeed Lead at Pixar Animation Studios, about how her team overcame complexity to deliver the critically acclaimed movie, Coco.

Nuke and Mari help in creating visuals for Peter Rabbit
Film & TV

How Animal Logic beat the clock on Peter Rabbit

Combining a mix of visual effects and modern animation techniques, Peter Rabbit is a great showcase of what the team at Animal Logic can do. Watch this video to find out how they used Nuke and Mari to help create it.

War of Apes and Weta Digital
Film & TV

Weta Digital: managing complexity on War for the Planet of the Apes

Get a behind-the-scenes look at Weta Digital’s deep compositing work in War for the Planet of the Apes. Watch the video here!

Angry ape
Film & TV

Discover the Deep Compositing Work For Planet Of The Apes

You ape-solutely have to see this.

Flying spaceship attack
Film & TV

Foundry 2018 | Showreel

Our customers are our heroes - here's why.

Man glowing blue eyes
Film & TV

Giving Artists Back Time To Pursue Their Dreams With Spin VFX

Saving time, so artists can spend it doing something they love.

Mahsa Ghorbankarimi
Film & TV

Katana: giving artists back time to pursue their dreams

Watch this video and find out how Katana helped make it possible for CG supervisor Mahsa Ghorbankarimi to pursue her interests outside of work.

Car rendering in 3d
Film & TV

Bottleship VFX: preparing for a more complex look development and lighting future

In this article, we catch up with Hristo Velev, founder of Bottleship VFX, to find out why Bottleship realised now was the time to future-proof their pipeline.

Cityscape at war by Cinemasphere
Film & TV

小規模スタジオの Katana 導入事例

Jakarta-based Cinemasphere explain why they integrated Katana into their pipeline - and how it’s having a big impact on ROI.

Mars space modelled and textured
Film & TV

Modelling and texturing the space rovers of Mars 1

How a small team faced a race against the clock
