Film & TV.

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Mucho Pixels Header
Film & TV

Creating a pixel art world with Nuke Indie

When 8-bit assets meet the affordable tool for solo artists.

Texturing in video games
Film & TV

Texturing in video games: evolution, application and outlook

What does it take to texture your favourite worlds and characters? Find out here.

Shonda Hunt artist spotlight
Film & TV

アーティスト スポットライト:Shonda Hunt

フリーランスコンポジター Shonda Hunt氏が語る自身のキャリアとNukeについて。

Trends 2022
Film & TV

5 top trends set to shape 2022—and beyond

Metaverse, machine learning and more: here’s what the future holds.

ML and Nuke 13.1
Film & TV

Machine Learning and Nuke 13.1: what’s next?

Harness the power of machine learning inside Nuke.

Showreel 2021 Foundry VFX software
Film & TV

Foundry Showreel | 2021

Our Foundry showreel boasts creations from artists and studios around the world, all made with Foundry tools.

Dracula from Hotel Transylvania
Film & TV

How to get new starters up to speed in Katana

Key insights from Sony Pictures Imageworks’ training department.

Storytelling development
Film & TV



How texture brings animation to life
Film & TV

Perfecting hair and painting buildings: how texturing brings animation to life

Telling stories through textures in animation.

Removing pipeline friction with interop
Film & TV

Connecting workflows and removing pipeline friction with interoperability

How Foundry is paving the way for a more efficient pipeline.

Foundry Live 2021
Film & TV

Hot off the press: top trends from Foundry Live 2021

Key product developments and innovations you need to know about.

Miguel Guerrero artist spotlight
Film & TV

アーティスト スポットライト: Miguel Guerrero

ベネズエラのVFXアーティスト/ディレクターのMiguel Guerrero氏が語るNukeと自身のキャリアについてご紹介します。


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