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global Katana vision
Film & TV

Global Katana Vision

Catching up on all things Katana.

Ford vs Ferrari
Film & TV

Foundry Live 2020 | Method Studios reveal how they created the VFX for Ford v Ferrari

Achieve the best quality results with Method.

Abstract imagery
Film & TV

Katana: empowering artists through years of innovation

Here's how Katana is transforming the look development and lighting industry, one feature at a time.

Escape Studios teaching Mari
Film & TV

How Escape Studios are Inspiring Students to Unleash their Ideas

Empowering a new generation of artists.

Jumanji: The Next Level cast including Dwayne Johnson
Film & TV

Crafting chasms and creature chases in Jumanji: The Next Level

How Sony Pictures Imageworks used Nuke and Katana to level-up this anticipated sequel.

USD: what you need to consider
Film & TV

USD: what you need to consider when adopting Universal Scene Description into your pipeline

Investing in Universal Scene Description is totally worthwhile—if done correctly. Here are the top things to consider before diving in.

Artist Spotlight
Film & TV

In the spotlight: Christophe Brejon

Lighting Artist, Christophe Brejon, talks to us about his career, his new book and the lowdown on Foundry’s top VFX trends.

The Mill Virtual Turkey
Film & TV

禁煙補助薬 CHANTIX のCMキャラクター制作 - The MillにおけるMari、Nukeの活用

We caught up with The Mill to talk all things turkey and how they perfected their virtual bird

Film & TV

スウェーデンのパワーメタルバンド Sabatonのミュージックビデオ制作 - The Agency of Wargaming におけるFoundryツールの活用

スウェーデンのメタルバンド SabatonのMVで伝説的戦艦ビスマルクを再現した The Agency of Wargamingに、Nuke、Mari、Modoの活用について話を伺いました。

missing link Laika
Film & TV

Find out why studios around the world are using Katana

Free up time. Unlock creativity.

Dev and lighting trends 2020
Film & TV

Five look development and lighting trends to watch out for in 2020

From cloud rendering to USD: the hot topics set to shape your landscape next year

Katana the viewer of the future yellow car
Film & TV

Foundry’s path to the viewer of the future

Get exclusive insight into Foundry’s advanced viewport technology, and the exciting advancements happening in Katana.


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