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DNEG Ron's Gone Wrong header
Film & TV

複雑なルックデベロップメントとシークエンスライティングに対するDNEG Animationの取り組み

DNEG Animationの最新長編アニメーション『ロン 僕のポンコツ・ボット』制作の詳細

art of texturing vfx header
Film & TV

The art of texturing: crafting photorealistic textures for visual effects

From dinosaurs to digital doubles, how textures bring VFX to life.

Dracula from Hotel Transylvania
Film & TV

How to get new starters up to speed in Katana

Key insights from Sony Pictures Imageworks’ training department.

How texture brings animation to life
Film & TV

Perfecting hair and painting buildings: how texturing brings animation to life

Telling stories through textures in animation.

Removing pipeline friction with interop
Film & TV

Connecting workflows and removing pipeline friction with interoperability

How Foundry is paving the way for a more efficient pipeline.

Foundry Live 2021
Film & TV

Hot off the press: top trends from Foundry Live 2021

Key product developments and innovations you need to know about.

The Art of Texturing
Film & TV

Texturing through time: from miniatures to Mari

Making make-believe as real as possible.

3D textured image of girl in helmet
Film & TV

Stand out as a Texture Artist

From Texture Theory to Blend modes: tips, tricks, and best practice to make your CG creations and showreels really shine.

3D robot against abstract background
Film & TV

Things I wish I knew about Katana: core concepts

New to Katana? Arielle Martin, Lighting Associate Product Manager, explores the key features tailored toward improving your workflow and creating a successful first project.

3D CG characters by animation lighter Matteo Caruso
Film & TV

アーティスト スポットライト: Matteo Caruso

「バーチャルな職人」に必要なものとは?シニアライティングアーティストのMatteo Caruso氏が、クリエイティビティをさらに進化させるためのヒントやコツ、ベスト・プラクティスを紹介します。

Foundry Live header
Film & TV

The hottest trends to come out of Foundry Live 2021

Giving you the lowdown on our biggest virtual event of the year so far.

art of texturing panel
Film & TV

Foundry Session | Art of Texturing Panel

Join Rory Woodford, Mari Product Manager, and four expert Texture Artists for a conversation about the craft of texturing.


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